from a dream to reality...

LEDchip Indus P Ltd is Manufacturer of High-Reliability SMD LEDs - in fully Automated LEDs plant, product is un-touched by hand, under Class 10K Dust-free Airconditioned environment.
Kwality Photonics / LEDchip Indus ? Kwality Electronics are India's Pioneer & Sole producers of LEDs sonce 1987. The group has 5 decades of glorious history as producers of Lighting for Railway Signalling, Merchant navy, Automotive OEMS and Industrial indicatr Bulbs, Molybdenum / Tungsten Wire & Filament .
Our LED plants were established 3 decades ago by VijayaKumar Gupta Kopuri, Scientist-Engineer-Goldmedallist from IISc ( 1977). Mr Gupta made his first LED as BE student at IISc thanks to internship at TATA R&D, BARC, TIFR & served as scientist at CEL in LED /SolarCell divisions.
LEDchip production is located at Electronic Complex Hyderabad. LEdchip is engaged in manufacturing of most forms of LEDs - THLEDs, Segment LEDs, Bargraph LEDs, Lightbars, COBs, and most importantly the SMD Power LED’s and now the RAYPURE, a wonderful DISRUPTIVE invention which combines Anti-Covid & Anti-Microbial Functions in indoor lightng ( tested & proven by GOI CSIR-CCMB Labs) to bring one of the world's Hassle-free Simplest Ever Disinfecting / Sterilizing Lighting sytems.
We cater to every known application. LEDchip produces apart from various types of Color LEDs, the LEDs for Indoor Farming / Horticulture-Hydroponics, Medical Treatment of Vitiligo, Tanning, Generating Vitamin-D, Bilirubin Treatment, Wellness Lighting, Human-Centric Lighting, Industrial Curing of Inks & Adhesives, Fluorescence-NDT, RO-UV units, Insect Traps, Fish Catch enhancement, Pisciculture, as well as UVA & UVC LEDs for Air & Water Disinfection.. .... for info Clickhere​
With over 35 Years of Experience in Lighting Industry and support from BITs Pilani - LEDchip Indus has come up with solution how to tackle Various Bacteria and Virus using LEDs of selected Spectral characteristics and optical properties. The Raypure systems are validated / certified by Country's Biggest labs including the CSIR Center For Cellular & Molecular Biology ( CCMB). and certifies as Safest to Human beings and Mammalian Cells by MS University and by Oliva Clinics who have largest team of UK qualified Dermatologists.
LEDchip Indus supports the EU-H2020 project in India to supply Drinking Water & Recycled Water to communities by using combination of lowcost technologies and the UV.
Now through Raypure CDS, we have devised a SIMPLEST EVER DISINFECTION PROCESS. RAYPURE uses net Zero POWER for 5+years, and is just plugNPlay.
We invite you to take your first step to convert your establishment into a GERMFREE ZONE - Write to us Now